Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you will be working on a few different tasks.  First, I would like you look at your notes from the presentation you selected this morning.  Using your notes, I would like to record yourself retelling the directions or instructions you heard. I would also like you offer some constructive feedback about what you heard.  Please consider these questions: 

  1. Were the instructions/directions clear?
  2. Could you follow all of the steps?
  3. Would you add or change anything? 
Please use 'Clarity Recorder' which is installed on every computer in the lab. You can record yourself.  Click on the icon and record yourself.  You can save the file as an MP3 and then email it to me.  Please include your name and date in the file name.  For example: Kim270515.mp3.  Jason or I can help you with this if you have trouble.

Next, I would like you to record one of the jokes the jokes that I gave you on Monday. Please use Clarity Recorder again and give your file a name like: Kimjoke2470515.mp3

Please email your two MP3 files to me.  

Finally, I would like you take the POSE Test to check your skills at sentence stress and intonation. It's your choice whether you would like to save your results or not.  You will see this screen when you click on the link 'Take the POSE Test.'

Click 'yes' and enter your information to save your result or click 'no' to just try the test without saving your answers.   Please try the following parts: Intonation 1, Intonation 2, Sentence Stress 1, and Sentence Stress 2


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you'll be doing some listening, reflecting on your listening strategies, and preparing for your next speaking activity.  Please begin by reading the text and completing the vocabulary exercise.  

Then, listen to the podcast and answer the comprehension questions.  The final two pages contain a self-assessment of your listening strategies and some useful phrases for checking your understanding and clarifying what you hear.

When you've completed the listening tasks, please submit your work, and I'll give you the task and rubric for the speaking tasks for Wednesday, May 27th. 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, I would like you write a summary of the lecture you heard this morning using only your own notes. This is an individual task so do not discuss it with your neighbour(s).  I'll be evaluating how well you're able to accurately paraphrase what you've heard into your own words.  Please refer to the rubric for the specific task instructions.  Your summary is due at the end of today's class.  Please submit your summary with the rubric provided after completing the learner's comments section of the rubric. 

The dean of our faculty would like to collect information about how well the college meets the needs of international students.  Please complete this short survey to help improve programs and services at the college for all international students.



Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you're going to be working on three tasks. First, I would like you to watch the video on '5 Ways to Listen Better.'  Please take notes and think about how and if you can apply these strategies to your listening.

5 Ways to Listen Better

Second, I would like to record you saying the 'Clear Speaking Test' dialogue in pairs.  Practice with your partner and when you're ready, I'll record. Please give me your paper after you've recorded the dialogue, so I can make notes about your pronunciation.  

Finally, if you have any extra time, you can work on the word stress patterns.

Why is Word Stress Important?

Word Stress Rules

Word Stress Quiz
