Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you're going to be completing a listening quiz.  I will give you a coloured paper for taking notes and a copy of the rubric for this task.  You may listen to the radio program only once.

Please read ALL of the instructions before you begin.  

Complete Part 1: Vocabulary first.  

Once you've completed Part 1, you will need to return to the blog for the audio recording. Remember to listen only once. 

Then, complete Parts 2, 3, & 4.  Do not submit your quiz until you're a completely finished. You won't be able to return to it to make any changes once you press submit.  

Hand in your coloured notes paper before you leave.  I'll give you feedback on your note-taking skills. Also, please complete the 'Learner's Comments' section of the rubric with your own self-assessment of the task and hand it in with your notes.  

Listening Quiz

Stars Use Fame for Good Causes


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