Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you'll be listening to a lecture and completing questions about the lecture.  Please read the instructions carefully because you will need to move back and forth between the blog and the test.  All of the audio files are located on the blog and the questions are in the questionnaire.

Listening Test

You will listen to the complete lecture two times.  For Part 3, you may also listen two times.

Part 1 (Complete Lecture)

Part 2 (Complete Lecture)

Part 3 (Follow-up A)

Part 3 (Follow-up B)

These are the assessment criteria for the listening test.

When you've completed all four parts, submit your test.  If you have any time left, you can work on the AVL #3. 

AVL #3

Good luck!

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