Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Hope you're not feeling too stressed! ;)  This afternoon, you will be doing a few different things. First, I would like you to write short summaries (one paragraph) for each of the two lectures from this morning using only your notes.  I'm looking for the main ideas and the most important details only.  Don't forget to paraphrase what you've heard into your own words. Use MS Word or a similar program to type your response. 

Second, I'd like you to record a short response to information that you've heard this morning about stress using your notes.  I would like you evaluate the value of the information and the validity of the suggestions and recommendations that you heard for managing stress. Do you agree with everything you've heard? Again, please remember to paraphrase into your own words.  You can use Clarity Recorder or Vocaroo to do this, and then email it to me along with your summaries. 

Here's the rubric that I'll be using to evaluation your work.

Finally, if you have any extra time, please listen to the jokes that have been recorded on the Voicethread and give your classmates constructive feedback about the delivery of her joke. 


p.s. This might have been what you were hoping for today too. Sorry ! :(

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday, February 16th, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, we're going to do some work on the Voicethread and with the second AVL list. The number #1 thing to complete before you leave today is to record your commercial. It's now or never today.  Instead of doing a group recording as I had previously said, I would like you to complete an individual recording.  Each member of your group can use the same script. (

Please complete your individual recording and email it to me.  Don't forget to complete the self-assessment portion of the rubric (please include all of the names of your group members) and give it to me before you leave today.  

Next, I'd like you to go to the Voicethread.  Thanks to those of you who have already added comments for the intonation exercises from last week.  I have uploaded Mina's and Katya's recordings of the paragraph.  Please listen to see what I liked about their recordings.  Thanks Mina and Katya for sharing with us! :)  You can try recording yourself again on this slide and compare it to your previous recording. 

I'd like you to do a little more practice with sentence level stress and have a little fun while you do it. I'll give each of you a list of jokes.  You will find all of the instructions on Slide 8 of the Voicethread.

CLB 7/8 Voicethread

Finally, here are some practice exercises for AVL #2.  Click on the link below, and then, you will need to create an account.  Sorry to make you create another account, but this will keep all of our work private.  You will be able to see what you're classmates are doing. 

AVL #2 Practice


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8, 

This afternoon, you'll be working on a number of listening activities.  I will give you the handout which I collect before you leave today.  

All of the audio files can be found on on the blog. Please do not listen to the podcast more than twice.  You can listen to the other files as many times as you need.

Part 1: Restoring Famous Landmarks Podcast (Listen 2x Max.)

Part 2: Listening Skill Example Sentences

Part 2: A

Part 2: B, #1

Part 2: B, #2

Part 2: B, #3

Part 2: B, #4

Part 2: B, #5

Part 2: B, #6

Part 2: B, #7

Part 2: B, #8

If you finish early, please catch up on the Voicethread exercises from last week if you haven't already completed them, record your intonation paragraph and send it to me if you haven't, and/or work on the spreadsheet for AVL #2.  All of these links can be found in previous blog posts.  


Monday, February 8, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you'll be working on a couple of tasks.  First, I need to record all of your commercials.  I'm going to use my cell phone for better audio quality.

Next, I'd like you to record yourself reading the paragraph that I gave you on Monday.  Please remember what we talked about and try to use the correct intonation patterns and pauses in the appropriate places.  You can use either clarity recorder or the other recording tool I mentioned on Monday,

Finally, I'd like you to go to our class Voice Thread.  This is a place where we can interact together as a class.  Our Voice Thread is completely private. Only we can see it which is why you will need to create an account.  Click on the link below and set up your account.  (You don't need to use your whole name or your real name).  

CLB 7/8 Voicethread

After you've set up your account, please practice your intonation.  Chet or I can help you if you have any questions or difficulties. 
