Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you'll be working on a couple of tasks.  First, I need to record all of your commercials.  I'm going to use my cell phone for better audio quality.

Next, I'd like you to record yourself reading the paragraph that I gave you on Monday.  Please remember what we talked about and try to use the correct intonation patterns and pauses in the appropriate places.  You can use either clarity recorder or the other recording tool I mentioned on Monday,

Finally, I'd like you to go to our class Voice Thread.  This is a place where we can interact together as a class.  Our Voice Thread is completely private. Only we can see it which is why you will need to create an account.  Click on the link below and set up your account.  (You don't need to use your whole name or your real name).  

CLB 7/8 Voicethread

After you've set up your account, please practice your intonation.  Chet or I can help you if you have any questions or difficulties. 


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