Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

First, please take a minute to answer these questions related to the documentary from Monday morning.

This afternoon, you'll have some time to work on your AWL words from list 2c. Don't forget that there will be a test on Monday, April 20th of words from list 2a, 2b, and 2c. Here's the link for the collocation dictionary again.

And here's a second collocation dictionary you can use.

This morning, you were practicing reduced affirmative and negative past modal forms. I'd like to give some additional practice with these. Click on the links to listen to the audio files and complete the dialogue between Herman and Zelda.

Unit 24, Part 1: Conversation (p. 78)

Unit 24, Part 1: Comprehension (p. 79)

Unit 24, Part 1: Practice (p. 79)

Unit 24, Part 2: Expansion (pp.79-80)


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