Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,    

This afternoon, I would like to give you some time to practice the things we've been working on together in class.  

First, I'd like you do some more practice with fact versus opinion.  Please follow the link to the a Google form where you vote 'fact' or 'opinion' for a series of statements.  After you've all voted, we can look at the results and see if you were correct or not. 

Is that a fact?

Once you've submitted your responses, please follow these links for some additional practice with clauses, specifically noun clauses.  

Noun Clause Quiz

Noun, Adjective, & Adverb Clause Review

Finally, we'll look at the results of the Google Form and see how you did with the fact versus opinion quiz.

If you have any extra time, you can work on the AWL 2b words.

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