Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Good afternoon CLB 7/8 ,

This afternoon, you will be completing a few different tasks.  First, I would like you record your responses  Part A and Part B from 'Your Pronunciation Profile' which I gave you this morning. Please record yourself reading either Reading 1 or Reading 2.  Then, choose either 1, 2, 3 or a similar topic from Part B and record your response.  You can use Clarity Recorder again for this.  Remember to look for this icon on your computer's desktop. 

Please save your file using this format:

Name_Date_Part A (or B).mp3 (Ex. Kim_13012016_Part A.mp3)

Once you have recorder both Part A and Part B, please complete pp. 5-8 of the handout and return it to me before you leave this afternoon.  I will complete p. 4 and give you some specific feedback about your pronunciation.  

Finally, please work on the spreadsheet for the Academic Vocabulary List #1.  I have already posted the link and something to help you with your vocabulary building called '10 Things Students Need to Know to Really Know a Word (And How a Teacher Can Help Them)' in the blog.  You don't need to finish it today, but you can begin to fill in spreadsheet.   


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