Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

Good afternoon, CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, I'm going to have you listen to a TED Talk.  Before you listen, here are some words from the talk that might be unfamiliar to you.  Please look them using one of the dictionaries from the 'Useful Links' section.  DO NOT use Google Translate! 

  • procure
  • anagram 
  • vegetative
  • imposition
  • disparate
  • disseminate

Here's another word that you won't find in the dictionary,  'gai jin.'  This is a Japanese word for foreigner.

Take notes while you listen to the talk.  After you've listened and understood the main ideas, please write a short summary of the main ideas.  Also, please consider this question and include your response in your summary: does choice empower us or hold us back?

Submit your summary before the end of class.

If you finish early, please continue to practice the consonant sounds we've been working on together: /b/, /p/, /t/, /d/, /g/, /k/.


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