Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This week, we've have heard and talked about graffiti.

Please visit these two websites showing both sides of the argument.


What do you think about graffiti? Is it art? Is it vandalism?

The City of Hamilton spend approximately $250, 000 per year removing graffiti from city buildings and streets (Source: http://www.hamiltonnews.com/news/graffiti-is-a-hamilton-wide-problem-say-councillors/).

Is that money well spent? What would the result be if the graffiti were not removed?

Have your say!  Once you've visited the websites and thought about your opinions, please record your responses.  Please structure your response as if you were organizing your ideas in a paragraph, with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

When you're ready, use Vocaroo.com to record your opinion. Click record, and then, click 'allow' for your microphone.  Once you've finished, you can listen to your recording.  If you're happy with it, you can save it and share it with me, using the link, downloading the MP3.  If you have any difficulties, please ask Chet or me for help.


When you're finished, practice your final consonant sounds in the story of "Pam & Pat at the Old Inn" with a partner.


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