Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Feeling a little like this? I am!  This afternoon, you're going to be working on a few tasks.  

First, I would like you create your autobiography.  As part of your portfolios, which we will talk more about next week, you will need to include an autobiography.  This should be several paragraphs which include information about where you’ve come from, where you are presently, and where you’re planning to go in the future.  Please use the information from the two videos this morning to help you organize your information.  

You autobiography should include the following parts: 

  • Information about where you came from, and what you did in your country? (work, study, etc.) You can also include a little information about your family if you wish. 
  • Information about what you’re doing at moment.  This will of course include our class, but you can also include information about work, volunteering hobbies, etc.
  • Information about your goals for the future, both short-term and long-term goals.  This should also include information specifically related to language learning goals.  (For example: specific benchmark requirements, language tests (TOEFL/ IELTS), professional exams or accreditation, etc.)

Write only what you’re comfortable sharing with me.  Your portfolio will be your own private document that you will show to me and future instructors.  It will be your decision if, when, and how much you share with your fellow classmates.  Your autobiography should be organized in paragraphs like an essay.  Please give specific details about your goals and how you will achieve them.

You will submit a first draft before the end of today’s class (via email or shared via Google Drive). I will give you some feedback, but I’m not going to correct everything.  The autobiography should be an example of your individual voice and writing ability. The final copy will be the first document in your portfolio.

When you've submitted your autobiography, follow this link for some additional practice with the AWL words from list 1a and 1b.

If you have any time left, I would like you to practice the 'Pronunciation Diagnostic' passage.  I'm going to have you record yourself next week, so that I can see what we need to work on in pronunciation (consonants, vowels, word stress, sentence, stress, intonation, etc.).


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