Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8 and welcome to our class blog!

On the right side of the blog, you will find some useful links.  You will use the blog during class time, but you can also check it from home or even on your phone or tablet. 

This afternoon, you will be working a few different tasks. First, I would like you to complete a needs assessment, so that I can better understand your needs and goals for learning.  Please begin by completing this survey.  Please click on the link and answer all of the questions (Your answers are confidential).


Next, I would like you type up your summary of the podcast from this morning, "New Year's Resolutions."  In addition to your summary, please also consider the following questions and add your responses to your summary:

1. Have you made any resolutions for 2015? If yes, what are they?
2. If not, what are some resolutions related to your English learning that would like to make?  
3. How will you make sure that keep your resolutions?

Please double-space your writing and don't forget to check your spelling.  You may use any dictionary that you like to help you, but no Google Translate please.

Once you've completed your summary, please print or email your writing to me.  

Finally, finish working on the list of AWL words from Monday.  Please remember that we will have a test on Monday with these words.


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