Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Most of you have already completed your autobiography for your portfolio.  Please make sure to print the final good copy and add it to your 'About Me' section.  Don't forget to complete the inventory at the beginning of the 'About Me' section.

This morning, we listening to the TED Talk by Sid Efromovich entitled "5 Techniques to Speak Any Language."  I would like you to use your notes to create a summary of the information that you heard in your own words.  If you use Sid's words, please be sure to use quotation marks. Include the main ideas and important details. The summary can be in one paragraph.  In a second (or subsequent) paragraph, I would like you to evaluate what you've heard and decide whether you think his strategies are effective.  Use the handout from Monday '13. The Hidden Truth' for vocabulary to help you critically evaluate his strategies.  You don't have to disagree with him, but I expect you to be able to explain your opinions and give supporting evidence whether you agree or disagree.  Please submit your work by the end of class.  

As it's end of January, I would like you think about what you've done this month to improve your English skills and consider what you will do in the coming month.  Please follow this link:


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