Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This morning, you listened to the second lecture on dealing with stress.  This afternoon, I would like you to work with a partner (or partners if there aren't equal numbers) to evaluate what you heard in the two lectures about stress: 1. 'How to Deal with Stress' and 2. 'How to Make Stress Your Friend.' 

Using only yours and your partner's notes (this is not a research presentation), I would like you to prepare a 10-15 minute presentation considering the ideas you've heard and evaluating their merit.  I would also like you to consider whether you and/or your partner have alternative ideas for dealing with stress that might be more useful than the ones presented in the two lectures. Do these two lectures present similar ideas or are there some differences?  Are all of the ideas useful for everyone? 

Please create 5-7 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation.  Presentations will take place on February 18th during first period (no exceptions).  Don't forget that your presentation should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Evaluation criteria:
I will looking for the following items when I evaluate your presentations:

  • Are you prepared to present during first period on February 18th?
  • Is the work equally shared between partners? 
  • Do you make reference to both of the lectures?
  • Do you evaluate the merit of the ideas and not simply summarize what you've heard?
  • Do you put the ideas into your own words?
  • Do you add some similar or different ideas from yourself and/or your partner for dealing with stress?


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