Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Please begin by completing the learning reflection. Think about what you've done in January to improve your English skills and consider what you will do in the coming month. Please take some time to really think about your learning.  This will help you become a more independent learner which will be important after you leave CLB 7/8.

Please follow this link:

Next please revise your summaries from last week's TED Talk '5 Strategies for Learning Any Language."  Please remember to include only the most important ideas in your summary.  In the evaluation portion, please build your analysis to include a deeper evaluation of Sid's strategies.  You can include personal examples, but you need to do more than simply agree or disagree.

Please submit your work before the end of class with the completed the self-assessment portion of the rubric.  


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