Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

I have noticed from your work over the past few weeks that most of you have some difficulty putting what you hear or read into your words.  It's important that you can write about or talk about the ideas of others using your own words.  This usually involves using synonyms and changing the structure of sentences, so that the main ideas remain the same but the content looks noticeably different.

I would like you to go to the BBC: 6 Minute English website and choose 1 podcast that is interesting to you. There are lots to choose from.

You may listen several times if necessary.  While you're listening, please take notes.  Once you have enough information, please write a one paragraph summary of what you've heard in your own words.  I would like to see something that uses your word and your voice but includes all of the main ideas (don't worry about all of the details.)  DO NOT READ the transcripts.  I want you to improve your listening skills, so if you have doubts, please listen again.  Your writing is due at the end of class.  Please don't forget to include the title of the podcast you chose. 


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