Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This morning, we talked about problems and solutions, and how we should use research to help us.  I would like you to each prepare a short presentation for Friday afternoon (3rd period).  This time will just to practice making short presentations (5-10 mins.) about problems and solutions.  We won't worry about doing lots of research for now.  

Here's a website with a variety of social issues to choose from:

Please choose one topic from the list and listen to it.  You will see that there are different levels, accents, and exercises available to help test your understanding.

Please choose the highest level available (this can vary from topic to topic).  Complete as many of the exercises as you wish, but please take careful notes on your topic, so that you can present it to the class on Friday.  

Consider these questions and use the chart that I gave you this morning to help you organize your ideas.
  1. What is the problem?
  2. Why is it a problem? (What are the causes and effects?)
  3. What are the possible solutions to this problem?

You will present your problem and solutions on Friday during 3rd period.  


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