Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Apparently, we're not the only ones reading 'Anne of Green Gables.' ;) 

'Lisa with an 's''

This afternoon, you will have the entire period to work on your presentations.  Please don't forget to keep track of the sources that you use.  Here's an example of how you can cite your sources in your slides: 

For a book:
Author's name. Date. Title. Place of Publication. Publisher.

Smith, J. (2015). References. Hamilton, ON: Mohawk College Press. 

For a website:

Author's name. Date. Title. URL.

Smith, J. (2015). Studying English. Retrieved from

Don't worry too much about having perfect references.  What I'm really looking for is that you use a few sources and give credit the information that you use from these sources.  


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