Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, you'll have some time for two different tasks.  First, I'd like you watch another video about 'Growth Mindset."  This one has more detail than the one we watched together this morning. 

"The Power of Believing That You Can Improve" ~ Carol Dweck

After you watched the video, I would like to summarize the main ideas related to a 'growth mindset.' Please don't simply summarize the two videos. I'm looking the main concepts related to the idea of 'growth mindset.'  I would also like you to incorporate some personal reflections on the topic.  Please refer to the rubric to specific instructions and task criteria.  

Instead of writing your summary, I would like you record your summary orally.  You can take notes to plan what you would like to say, but please don't read your summary.  Also, please use your own words.  You may repeat some of the important vocabulary, but I want you to put the ideas into your own words. 

Once you've planned what you want to say, use 'Clarity Recorder' to record your summary.  Look for this icon on your computer.  Please send your summary via email and hand in your rubric before you leave. 

Now, I would like you take some time to experiment with the Voicethread that I've created for our class.  Check your email for the invitation that I've sent you.  You will need to create an account because this Voicethread is private.  Only we can see it. It will only take a second, and then, you'll be able to join the conversation. :) 


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