Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

Please notice that I have placed some additional websites under the 'Useful Links' section. This will give you some more information about the TOEFL and IELTS tests. 

This afternoon, we are going to be creating a document for your new learning portfolios. This morning, we talked about the purpose of a portfolio and how we will be using them. In the first section, 'About Me', you will place information about your specific needs and goals.  The first document will be your autobiography.  This is your story about who you are, where you're from and what you're planning to do in the future?

Please write several paragraphs describing what you think are the important details of your life. You don't need to write anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.  This information will help you to assess your needs, establish your goals, and make a plan for your future learning.  

Submit your writing before the end of class, and it will become part of your portfolio.  

Once you've finished your autobiography, please work with your partners on your survey questions.  Next week, you will be collecting responses to your questions from the other LINC students in the J Wing.

If you still have time, please follow the link to the POSE Test.  I would like you to complete the 'Word Stress' test.


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