Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Good afternoon CLB 7/8,

This afternoon, I would like you finish up your autobiographies and place the final draft in your portfolios. I would also like you finish setting your SMART goals on your 'Action Plan' sheet and place those into your portfolios. Both of these items should go into your 'About Me' section.  Don't forget to fill out the inventory page at the beginning of the section.
You should have collected all of the responses to your survey questions by now and be ready to work with your data.  With your partner(s), analyze and organize your information into a short PowerPoint presentation using charts and/or graphs to highlight your findings. You will present your results to the class on Wednesday, October 1st. (no extensions, no delays, no second chances! ;) 

Please remember what we talked about in class when creating PowerPoint slides: background colour, text size and colour, font, font size, graphs/charts/photos, and the number of lines of text.  If you have forgotten, please refer back to page 90. 


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